Hafa Adai, we are TOHGE (pronounced Toe-Gi) Guam; The Guåhan Peer Support Cultivation Foundation. We are a Recovery Community Organization that provides Peer Support Services for those who continue to struggle with a mental health and/or substance use disorders. In the Chamorro language Tohge means; to stand, or rise up. But it is also embedded within our mission statement, for TOHGE is an acronym as well.

The establishment of a sustainable territory-wide network of empowered peers by; Transforming Ourselves thru Healing Growth ; Enrichment; with our VISION being “to provide an Optimal Quality of Wellness for all.”
We the members of TOHGE Guam are able to provide Peer Support Services for our peers through our own lived experiences. All members of TOHGE Guam have managed to find our own pathway to recovery from our issues with mental health, substance abuse, and some have both (co-occurring disorders). We’ve accepted personal responsibility for our own issues, managed them, and become self-sufficient; enough for ourselves so we can work with others that face the same issues as we once did.
By facilitating self-advocacy and self-efficacy, we empower each individual to find their voices in their own recovery process. We allow our peers to explore their own options, with what their recovery should look like to them. We allow them to take their own direction down their pathway, and we’ll walk alongside them. We take a person-driven approach, focus on their strength and promote independence.